Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saya dan Mas Adjie Janji Setia Sampai Mati'

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011 - 18:08 wib
Johan Sompotan - Okezone
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Angelina Sondakh & Adjie Massaid (Foto: Tomi/Okezone)
JAKARTA Angelina Sondakh tidak lupa dengan ikrar cinta bersama Adjie Massaid. Mereka berdua ingin setia hidup semati.

“Kita membangun ruamh tangga dari nol dan berjanji sampai mati ada di rumah itu. Sangat berat bagi saya tanpa Mas Adjie, tapi saya banyak didoakan untuk tegar,” kata Angelina Sondakh saat ditemui di Gedung Nusantara 1, DPR/MPR, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (18/2/2011).

Puteri Indonesia 2001 ini mengaku tidak punya firasat akan ditinggalkan sang suami.

“Tidak ada firasat, kok. Suami saya jarang marah, jarang komplain. Dia selalu bilang, ‘Kamu janji ya jangan linggalin saya. Kalau saya ada rezeki, bisa dipakai untuk belanja bulanan’,” kenangnya.

Menurut Angie, suaminya juga selalu memanjakannya. “Sejak ulang tahun saya, Mas Adjie selalu memanjakan saya. Dia belikan saja kado dan saat bangun pagi disediakan makanan. Saya diberi laptop, iPad, dan dibuatkan perpustakaan. Dia benar-benar perhatian,” tambahnya.

Dengan sang suami dipanggil, Angie pun berusaha mengambil hikmat. Angie akan selalu mencintai Sang Khalik.

Friday, July 29, 2011

SMSH Dapat Tawaran Main Film

Tujuh personel SM*SH sepertinya tidak hanya akan eksis di panggung musik saja. Kabarnya, mereka sudah mendapat tawaran main film.

Elang Riki Yanuar, okeZone News - Jumat, 21 Januari 2011 16.58 WIB

SM*SH. (Foto: Tomi Tresnady/Okezone)
JAKARTA - Tujuh personel SMSH sepertinya tidak hanya akan eksis di panggung musik saja. Kabarnya, mereka sudah mendapat tawaran main film.
"Iya, ada proyek main film juga," ungkap Ilham ditemui di Studio RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta, Jumat (21/1/2011).
Adanya tawaran main film, akhirnya membuat SMSH berpikir untuk hijrah ke Jakarta. Selama ini, mereka masih bolak balik dari Bandung dan Jakarta.
"Ingin banget sih. Selama ini kami masih di Bandung, tapi masih akan dibicarakan. Tapi, kepikiran sih," kata Diki.
Banyak rencana besar yang telah disusun SMSH, setelah tembang I Heart You mendapat atensi beragam dari masyarakat. Mereka juga sudah punya basis penggemar.
"Kita akan bareng-bareng sama fans SMSH. Kami bakal bikin gathering bareng fans dan pastinya manggung," papar Ilham.
Selain itu, rencananya SMSH akan terus mengembangkan diri dan bakal membuat sesuatu yang berbeda. Mereka telah mempersiapkan gebrakan baru yang akan diledakkan di pertengahan 2011 ini.
"Kami akan kolaborasi dengan cari hal-hal lain yang baru," pungkas Ilham.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mengenang Adjie, Angelina Sondakh Kick Off di GBK

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011 - 22:04 wib
Fahmi Firdaus - Okezone
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Angelina Sondakh & Adjie Massaid (Foto: Tomi/Okezone)
JAKARTAAngelina Sondakh mendatangi Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno untuk menyaksikan rekan-rekan Adjie Massaid bermain bola mengenang kepergian almarhum. Sebanyak dua tim dari Trisakti FC dengan kostum bergambar foto Adjie ikut berpartisipasi.

Angelina pun menendang bola di tengah lapangan tanda pertandingan dimulai atau “kick off”. Dia pun sempat mengulang “kick off” karena tendangannya terlalu jauh di tengah lapangan.

Sebelum pertandingan dimulai, rekan-rekan juga mengheningkan cipta untuk mengenang Adjie dengan dipimpin langsung presenter Rico Ceper.

“Pertandingan persahabatan Trisakti FC ini tim terakhir saat Adjie main di Stadion Lebak Bulus,” ujar Rico di Stadion GBK, Sabtu (19/2/2011). Wanita yang sudah memberikan satu anak dari Adjie ini pun tidak kuasa menahan air mata.(tty)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Langkah Tepat Memilih Bra Bagi Setiap Wanita

Baju dalam atau bra sangat penting bagi penampilan juga kesehatan wanita. Salah pilih bra dapat menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan. Oleh karena itu, tak ada salahnya untuk mengetahui jenis dan bentuk bra yang paling tepat, sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.

Berikut beberapa tips memilih bra sesuai dengan kebutuhan wanita dari Jene Luciane, penata gaya dari Prancis, yang dikutip oleh Sheknows.

1. Untuk wanita berdada besar
Bersyukurlah para wanita yang memiliki bentuk dada indah dan besar. Seperti yang kita ketahui, tak sedikit wanita yang melakukan operasi plastik demi menambah volume dadanya. namun agar bentuk dada terlihat indah, Luciane mewajibkan para wanita berdada besar untuk menggunakan bra dengan kawat. Hal ini bertujuan agar berat dada bisa ditopang secara maksimal oleh bra. Selain itu, Luciane juga menganjurkan untuk mencari tali bra yang lebih besar untuk alasan yang sama. Bagi mereka yang berdada besar, pilihlah cup yang penuh, agar seluruh dada tertutup sempurna.

2. Untuk wanita berdada kecil
Push-up bra selalu menjadi pilihan bagi wanita berdada kecil untuk menyempurnakan penampilannya. Namun terkadang, pemakaian push-up bra tak selalu nyaman. Luciane menyarankan para wanita berdada kecil untuk memilih bra dengan cup setengah, agar siluet dada terlihat lebih besar. Jadi sesekali, para wanita berdada mungil bisa merasa santai tanpa push-up bra.

3. Untuk ibu hamil
Saat hamil, wanita mengalami perubahan bentuk dada. Selain itu, sensitifitas dada menjadi bertambah, sehingga Luciane menyarankan para wanita untuk berhati-hati memilih bahan bra yang akan digunakan. Ia juga menyarankan para wanita untuk memilih bra khusus ibu hamil atau menyusui untuk membuatnya lebih nyaman.

Masih menurut Luciane, yang terpenting saat memilih bra adalah menggunakan ukuran yang tepat. Lain merek lain juga ukuran yang ditawarkan. oleh karena itu jangan ragu untuk meminta bantuan pramuniaga butik membantu Anda menemukan ukuran dan bentuk bra yang tepat.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Main Sinetron, SMSH Tak Takut Disebut Aji Mumpung

SM*SH benar-benar mengepakkan saya di dunia hiburan. Tak sekadar jadi boy band dan beraksi di musik, tapi SM*SH juga

Mahfiroh, okeZone News - Jumat, 18 Februari 2011 11.50 WIB

SM*SH. (Foto: Tomi Tresnady/Okezone)
JAKARTA - SMSH benar-benar mengepakkan saya di dunia hiburan. Tak sekadar jadi boy band dan beraksi di musik, tapi SMSH juga terlibat main sinetron.
Tujuh jejaka asal Bandung ini pun tak takut jika disebut aji mumpung oleh beberapa pihak. Pasalnya, kesempatan seperti ini tidak datang kepada semua orang.
"Aji mumpung enggak takut. Enggak semua punya kesempatan yang sama dan kami punya tanggung jawab," tandas Rafael ditemui di Blitz Megaplex, Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Kamis (17/2/2011).
Seperti diketahui, SMSH yang digawangi Dicky, Morga, Reza, Bisma, Rangga, Ilham, dan Rafael, mendapat tawaran bermain di Trans TV. Sinetron drama remaja mereka berjudul Cinta Cenat Cenut, yang akan tayang malam ini.
Menurut Rafael, kehadiran mereka di dunia sinetron layar kaca tidak sekadar mendapat tawaran dan langsung terjun ke dalamnya. Ada proses yang harus mereka lalui, yakni casting.
"Mereka enggak asal nunjuk kami untuk main. Tapi pihak Trans TV melakukan casting terlebih dahulu," ungkapnya.
Meskipun baru satu single yang dikeluarkan SMSH, mereka sudah mendapat kesempatan tampil menjadi aktor sinetron. Rafael pun meyakini bahwa SMSH tidak akan cepat berpuas diri.
"Kita mencari terus, mencari-cari inovasi baru, demi mempertahankan eksistensi di dunia entertainment," pungkasnya.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Pria Malaysia Campakkan Istrinya Karena Ia "Setan"

Antara - Kamis, 6 Januari
Kuala Lumpur (ANTARA/Reuters Life!) - Seorang pria Malaysia meninggalkan istrinya setelah seorang pendeta di satu kuil meyakinkan dia bahwa istrinya adalah "setan" yang mau membunuh dia.
Sebagaimana dikutip surat kabar Star, Kamis, sang istri --yang cuma menyebutkan namanya sebagai Loh, mengatakan suaminya --yang juga adalah manager pabriknya-- sekarang ingin bercerai dan juga menolak bertemu dengan dua anak mereka, yang sudah remaja, karena khawatir istrinya akan memanfaatkan mereka untuk membunuh dia.
"Perantara di kuil tersebut memberitahu suami saya bahwa saya telah menggunakan jampi-jampi terhadap dia selama 15 tahun belakangan," kata Loh dalam suatu taklimat di Kuala Lumpur sebagaimana dikutip Star.
"Ia tak mau makan dan minum di rumah sebab ia mengira saya meracuni makanan," kata Loh.
Loh menyatakan perantara itu terlibat utang yang sangat besar dan tampaknya memanfaatkan suaminya, yang telah mengambil tabungan anak mereka sebelum meninggalkan keluarganya.
Orang Malaysia sering meminta bantuan roh melalui bermacam pilihan tabib, perantara dan cenayang guna menyelesaikan masalah pribadi dan urusan pekerjaan.
Tapi ada peningkatan keluhan mengenai penipuan dan pelecehan seksual, yang telah membuat pemerintah mengumumkan pemerintah akan menetapkan peraturan tahun ini yang mengharuskan tabib mendaftarkan diri di Kementerian Kesehatan.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Latest Patent Applications: Kernel Of Technological Advancement

The value of freedom in a country is priceless. If one country has freedom of speech and thought then they are sure to have a bright future ahead of them. How so? If a society has freedom of thought then they are free to explore their interests or whatever else that may pique their curiosity, which could eventually lead them to great knowledge and amazing discoveries.

Take the United States for example. America has surpasses all the other countries of the world not only ec...
The value of freedom in a country is priceless. If one country has freedom of speech and thought then they are sure to have a bright future ahead of them. How so? If a society has freedom of thought then they are free to explore their interests or whatever else that may pique their curiosity, which could eventually lead them to great knowledge and amazing discoveries.

Take the United States for example. America has surpasses all the other countries of the world not only economically but technologically as well. Although it is true that most technological inventions and other scientific discoveries did not really originated from the Americans themselves but rather are attributed to citizens of other countries. However, it is undeniable that these technological inventions are enhanced and further developed in America. Thanks to America’s innovative patent system these technological inventions are put to better use.

Just what is a patent you asked? The term “patent” is generally defined as a set of exclusive rights granted by the government to a person for a certain period of time (usually for 20 years) in return for the regulated, public disclosure of some information about their invention. It was Thomas Jefferson who initiated the first national patent system in the United States of America during the year 1790. From then on, this exclusive right has been protecting the inventor’s interest by preventing other people from copying, using or selling the already claimed invention.

So how exactly are these patents significant in technological advancement? According to the World Intellectual Property Organization or WIPO about 90% to 95% of all the world’s inventions can be found in patented documents. However, these technological inventions comprise only a small percentage of all the patents that are applied for and granted. Therefore it is safe to assume that the latest patent applications are the kernel of technological advancement.

Take a look closer at the Internet. This technology has undergone numerous changes from the time that the concept of the World Wide Web was first introduced a few decades back. In an attempt to put Internet into better use, various inventors who aim to further develop and enhance the existing models filed numerous patent applications that are related to this technology.

One of the latest patent applications is called system and method for scoping searches using index keys. The invention involves a set of index keys, which is to be included in an index search system that are related with the scope of the search instead of the content of the documents, which are the target of the search. These so-called “scope keys” enables the scope of the search to be customized, thus reducing the number of documents that a search supposed to sort through in order to acquire the results.

Another latest patent application that is related to technological advancement in the Internet is the “system and method for performing a search and a browse on a query”. Now, in this invention a search and a browse on a single user query is executed. Then a refined query is chosen from the results of the first user query. After that, a list of concepts from a first directory that are related with the refined query is acquired.

Here, the “concepts” are categorized in a hierarchical relationship. Concepts with broader scope are obtains a higher position. Meanwhile, the concepts with narrower scope get a lower position in the hierarchy. In addition, a list of web sites that related with the search concept is also acquired from a second directory.

The forming intent-based clusters and employing same by search, is also a patent application that is related in further enhancing the Internet. This patent application is associated to a system and method that will be use for identifying and forming intent-based clusters based on search requests that were sent by the users to the search engines, as well as to the search engine utilizing the formed intent-based clusters to answer the search requests made by the users. To be more precise, the invention is associated to recognizing and utilizing intent-based clusters so that a search made by a user with similar intent may receive a respond more quickly and efficiently. Most importantly, with search results that more directed to the search of the user.

All three patent applications are dedicated in making the Internet searching process less complicated and not to mention, much more efficient in terms of coming up with results.

Today, patents are considered as the leading source of technological information that is vital in technological advancement. Thanks to the innovative Information Technology industry, particularly to the Internet, the general public can now easily access these constructive documents. Just about anyone who is familiar with the Internet can browse through different patent databases available and obtain the specific patent document that they needed.

There are various patent databases that are accessible by the public, USPTO, EPO, JPO, to name just a few. For instance, if you are looking for patents that are related to a certain technological area you will find countless information regarding the entire process of technological innovation, such as the evolutionary path of a specific technology, it’s technological development, technological diversification, technology merges, as well as the major players in specific technological area, and the key points of the specific technology.

The secret behind each major technological advancement and inventions are thousands of patents that were applied, filed and then put it into practical use. Fortunately for us the public are well aware of the significance of patent application in developing tomorrow’s technology. The number of patent applications is growing at an enormously fast rate. Inventors not only from America but from other countries as well, are diligently working on their inventions as well as on patenting their ideas -- a clear indication that our nation’s future is indeed in good hands. For as long as the American government continues to nurture innovation, then they will remain as global leaders both in economy as well as technology.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Temporary Internet Files - Truth and Consequences

Much has been written about temporary internet files. To my amazement, there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about how these files are put on your computer and the effect they have on your computing experience. Some articles propose these files slow your computer to a crawl, others indicate they are memory hogs. While some suggest that these files only affect the MS Internet Explorer browser.
Much has been written about temporary internet files. To my amazement, there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about how these files are put on your computer and the effect they have on your computing experience. Some articles propose these files slow your computer to a crawl, others indicate they are memory hogs. While some suggest that these files only affect the MS Internet Explorer browser.

One thing that most authors get right is the purpose of temporary internet files. Allow me to give another explanation just to be clear.

Temporary internet files are a collection of web page copies stored on your computer's hard disk or in its random-access memory. Pages you view are normally stored in a special cache folder for quicker viewing the next time you visit the same page. The bowser compares the cached copy  to the original. If there have been no changes, the browser uses the cached copy rather than re-fetching the original, saving processing and download time.

Slowing your computer down?

The size of your file cache will cause your computer to slow down ONLY if the cache size is very, very large and fragmented. By nature cached files are relatively small and are only used when loading internet pages and do not remain in memory indefinitely. By adjusting your browser cache size to 5Mb or less you can avoid any slow down caused by the browser searching the hard drive for cached files. My personal browser cache is much larger, 50Mb, and I have no problems even on a dial-up internet connection. Internet slow down is almost always caused by network traffic.

Slow Hard Drive:

If your computer is running slow, there is a good chance it is not due to your temporary internet files. Slow hard drive access is usually due to fragmented files on your hard drive or the hard drive is getting close to being full. Windows needs at least 15% free hard disk space to operate correctly. That is 15% free space total, including your Windows Swap File

Websites, security and temporary internet files:

Websites do not put temporary internet files on your computer. The internet browser does file caching automatically. Do not confuse temporary internet files with 'cookies'. Website cookies are also cached, but they are cached separately from temporary files. Also any personal information such as saved passwords and form auto fill information is kept in still another more secure place.

Internet Browsers:

Is Internet Explorer just being a bad boy? If IE is a bad boy, it is only because IE is a poor example of an Internet Browser. All internet browsers cache temporary internet files. Presently I have FireFox, Netscape 7.2., Netscape 8.0 and IE 6.0xxx installed and all of these browsers manage temporary internet file caching the same way.

It is a good idea to adjust the cache file size and clear the cache occasionally to get rid of unused and possibly corrupt files. Caching of all file types by your browser can be managed from the browser's options menu. I hope you now have a better understanding of temporary internet files. Temporary internet files, passwords and auto fill data can be deleted manually, but that is another article. Surf on.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Templates to make the Myspace page attractive

The Internet can be an effective source to tap all the resources to make the Myspace page attractive.
The Internet can be an effective source to tap all the resources to make the Myspace page attractive. The templates and layouts are offered for free by the Internet sites. Some of the layouts are also available in paid versions. Download the instructions to build the web page of Myspace using the layout as the base.

However, there are chances that the new features could spoil your profile or cause much damage to the way you planned to create the web page. Under those circumstances, it is imperative for the Myspace account holder retains the original identity. Begin with the starter layout of the myspace page. Maintain the profile for at least two weeks and study what additional features can be added to it. To make an assessment of the additions to the layout, visit other sites and study the profiles carefully. The profiles are created on the basis of the character and the attitude of the individual. Some wish to let out their desires float in the form of the web page of the Myspace account. You decide what is best for you, whether to identify your individual identity or present the inside by streaming information on the layout.

For Myspace account holders to mask identity, the best way to create is a disguised profile. Most people these days use a disguised profile to keep their identity protected. Such people can bank on a variety of layouts that are of optimum use. The layout appears high tech in nature and futuristic. If the user wants to be a bit adventurous, then the photo can be masked to provide only a glimpse of the member. The masking should be carried out in such a manner that the entire image is not sent to the layout. For instance, only the eyes or certain key parts of the face can be highlighted while the rest are hidden for view from the public visitors. However, some people carry images that are not original. They present themselves in the form of others. For instances, people loving beauty, normally have images of Hollywood stars on the web page. Though it is illegal for Myspace users to have the images of renowned personalities on the web page layout, some follow it. However, it is advised that people do not post the images of well known personalities on the layout. The best way to mask one's identity is to keep the page free from any image. This will ensure that the identity is fully protected. Besides, there is no curiosity from the visitor to identify the user.

The layouts can also have images of their younger days. It is not necessary that the images should be latest, taken in the near time. Such images can be pasted on the default layout bearing the theme of your choice. There is no restriction for experimentation on the layout. The account holder has the liberty to add as many programs as possible. However, the duplication of the programs has to be avoided. You can also go in for preset model of layouts called standardized layouts.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Templates that define the character of the account holder

Templates of the Myspace account have to be carefully chosen considering the fact they depict the character of the individual.
Templates of the Myspace account have to be carefully chosen considering the fact they depict the character of the individual. The templates can be used to build the page, host a number of features such as images, data, text, video and audio files and streaming media. However, to host such features, the template should be strong and interactive.

It will be all the more better if the account holders use the images in a collage format. The features and other specialties are not available in the public Internet sites on a greater number. They can be sourced by paying a certain prescribed fee. However, some of the common features include multicolor and multi features that can moved all over the web page of the Myspace by using the tools and kits provided on the template. There are clear instructions that are available in the download format to prepare the web page of the Myspace with a suitable template. Carefully follow the instructions to build the Myspace page using the icons, software codes and tools provided in the download process. Following these instructions, the web page can be created within a few hours unless you are not familiar with the process of template building.

Take care to ensure that the instructions are flowed carefully. If the instructions are not followed as given out in the manual, there are chances of the Myspace page being crumpled or losing data. The end result might not be to the desired effect of the user on the template. The template available for free can be accessed by using the popular search engines Google and Yahoo! A careful search will yield free templates and themes for the Myspace page that will make the account holder content. The search on Google throws up hundreds of pages providing free templates. There will be a plenty of options for Myspace users to download the themes and layouts that go according to their choice. They come in all colors and various styles. All the colors featured in the rainbow spectrum, synthetic colors and new combinations are part of the display. However, make sure that the template is not necessarily filled with colors that may spoil the view of the page. Also, take measures to ensure the template colors go in accordance with the moods of the visitors. Avoid using plenty of bright colors that may convey negative meaning to the visitors.

Professional layouts and themes of the Myspace page are available on the Internet. Account holders can use the popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo! to search the layouts. Key in the words Myspace layouts in the space provided for search. It will throw up a number of pages that will have links to the layouts and themes of the Myspace page.

Each Internet site will have at least 50 different themes and titles based on layouts. First cross check your profile with the layouts. If the profile and the layout theme match by more than 50 per cent, then the layout can be adopted. But it is better if the match between the two is to the extent of 70 per cent or more.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

templates de alta calidad

Templates en la mas alta calidad.

No intentare convencer. Las personas que no conozcan el valor de lo que ofrezco no merecen tener esta oportunidad única.

Templates in but the high quality.

It will not try to convince. The people who do not know the value which I offer do not deserve to have this unique opportunity.

4.46 GB

Templates en la mas alta calidad.

No intentare convencer. Las personas que no conozcan el valor de lo que ofrezco no merecen tener esta oportunidad única.

Templates in but the high quality.

It will not try to convince. The people who do not know the value which I offer do not deserve to have this unique opportunity.

4.46 GB

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mengganti Kotak Komentar Haloscan menjadi Commentbox Blogspot

Dulu sebelum kotak komentar blogger/blogspot bisa muncul dibawah postingan, banyak yang menganti kotak komentarnya dengan commentbox dari pihak ketiga, misalnya dari haloscan. Namun setelah blogger merilis kotak komentar yg dibawah postingan maka kini banyak yg berbondong beralih ke kotak komentar original dari blogspot ini. Tapi bagi yg sudah terlanjur memakai haloscan dan sudah terlanjur mengobrak-abrik templatenya tentu akan sayang jika harus mengganti templatenya demi mendapatkan kotak original blogspot ini. Nha berikut ini akan aku ulas bagaimana cara mengembalikan kotak komentar haloscan menjadi kotak komentar original dari blogger.
Ikuti tutorial berikut:

1. Login ke blogger, kemudian pilih menu"Layout--> Edit HTML"
2. Beri tanda centang pada kotak "Expand widget template"
3. Kemudian cari kode berikut :

4. Kalo sudah ketemu maka gantilah dengan kode dibawah ini :

5. Kemudian cari kode berikut ini :


Monday, July 18, 2011

Web Hosting Murah, Lengkap dan Berkualitas

Bingung mo cari hosting? Mo yang murah tapi fasilitasnya lengkap?
Jangan bingung-bingun datang aja ke Kalo gak percaya silahkan buktikan sendiri.
Ni contoh paket yang ditawarkan :

Paket Super Mega
- Space 50 MB, Bandwith 1GB, Harga = Rp.25.000 / Tahun
- Space 100 MB, Bandwith 2GB, Harga = Rp.40.000 / Tahun
- Space 250 MB, Bandwith 5GB, Harga = Rp.75.000 / Tahun
- Space 500 MB, Bandwith 10GB, Harga = Rp.100.000 / Tahun

Paket Super Giga
- Space 1 GB, Bandwith 20GB, Harga = Rp.15.000/bulan atau Rp.150.000/Tahun
- Space 2 GB, Bandwith 40GB, Harga = Rp.22.000/bulan atau Rp.220.000/Tahun
- Space 5 GB, Bandwith 100GB, Harga = Rp.40.000/bulan atau Rp.400.000/Tahun
- Space 10 GB, Bandwith 200GB, Harga = Rp.60.000/bulan atau Rp.600.000/Tahun

Untuk semua paket diberikan FEATURE yang sama. Unlimted email, unlimited Database, Fantastico, Cpanel, PHP, MySQL dll. Pokoknya super lengkap. Kalo gak percaya silahkan kunjungi

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Gadget Advisor and Tech News Resources

Do you want to know about gadgets and tech news? Gadget Advisor is the right place. Rather than presenting every bit of news from each day, Gadget Advisor focuses on the products and news that are the most significant, useful, and/or cool so that visitors can quickly view the top gadgets and tech news without wading through pages of mediocre news. You will know about online backup services, google chrome, Geo-eye satelite and many more tech news. And you will also find information such as universal remote control, network media player, GPS and much more gadget. It's very usefull site.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Kode-kode Warna

Di dalam dunia web/blog, warna itu sangat penting dan sangat berpengaruh terhadap penampilan web/blog. Warna-warna biasanya digunakan untuk background, text, links, table dll. Kalo kombinasi warna pada web/blog kita tidak sesuai, atau tidak enak dipandang mata mata, maka hal itu akan membuat pengungjung web/blog kita menjadi kurang nyaman, dan kemungkinan akan malas untuk mengunjungi blog kita lagi. Tapi karena untuk untuk membuat warna-warna ini harus menggunakan kode-kode warna, maka bagi yang tidak begitu mahir tentang html akan kesulitan untuk mendapatkan kode-kode warna ini.

Nha oleh karena itulah dibawah ini telah aku buat Chart HTML Kode Warna bagi yang tidak tahu atau bagi yg pingin tahu kode-kode warna. Cara penggunaannya cukup mudah, km tinggal klik warna yang kamu pilih, maka kode warnanya akan tampil di kotak "kode warna:". Ok silahkan dicoba.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Buku Tutorial Membuat Website Dengan Joomla

Bagi yang pingin belajar membuat website dengan joomla, inilah buku yang tepat untukmu. Dengan joomla, membuat website menjadi lebih mudah. Kita tidak membutuhkan pengetahuan tentang desain atau pemrograman. Pengerjaannya pun tidak memakan waktu yg lama. Buku ini menjelaskan secara lengkap bagaimana membuat website dengan menggunakan joomla., mulai dari intallasi, membuat template, membuat dan mengisi content dan modul, sampai dengan cara menguploadnya ke web hosting. Ayo dapatkan di toko-toko buku terdekat. Oh ya, buku ini juga dilengkapi CD yg berisi Program joomla, XAMPP, Software FTP, Template, Modul, dll.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Highlight Author Comment

Highlight Author Comment fungsinya adalah supaya komentar author (pemilik blog) berbeda dengan komentar orang lain . Contohnya bisa dilihat di blog ini. Untuk komentar pemilik blog akan ada bordernya dan ada efek lainnya. Nha berikut ini akan aku beberkan cara untuk membuat Highlight Author Comment ini. Dah siap semuanya ? OK lets dance togather :D

1. Login ke blogger trus ke menu "Layout --> Edit HTML"
2. Beri tanda centang pada kotak "Expand Widget Templates"
3. Copy script berikut ini sebelum kode ]]> atau copy ke dalam kode CSS.
.comment-body-author {
background: #E6E6E6; /* Warna Background */
border-top: 1px dotted #223344;border-bottom: 1px dotted #223344;border-left: 1px dotted #223344;border-right: 1px dotted #223344;
padding:0 0 0 20px;

4. Kemudian cari kode2 seperti berikut. Mungkin kode yg ada di HTML kamu akan beda, tp walaupun beda usahakan semirip mungkin dengan kode berikut ini :


5. Kode yang berwarna merah adalah kode yang harus kamu tambahkan di HTML kamu. Posisinya harus benar, ingat itu.
6. Kalo sudah terus disave template kamu.

Comment author ini berdasarkan profil dari pemilik blog tsb. Jadi supaya efeknya muncul sebelum memberi komentar kamu harus login dulu di blogger. OK.
Oh ya ini bukan untuk komentar dari haloscan lho. Tapi hanya untuk kotak komentar yg dari blogger murni

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Menampilkan / Pasang Emoticon di Kotak Komentar

Dengan adanya emoticon di kotak komentar tentunya akan membuat blog menjadi lebih hidup. Para komentator menjadi lebih bisa mengekspresikan perasaannya melalui icon2 (emoticon). Kalau di wordpress mungkin feature ini sudah tersedia. Tapi untuk blogspot kita harus mengotak-atik dan mengakalinya supaya bisa menampilkan emoticon di area komentar. Gimana? kamu mau memasang emoticon ini?

Seperti biasanya, di trik ini akan diberikan dua macam emoticon, yaitu emoticon kucing (seperti punyaku ini) dan emoticon yahoo. Kamu tinggal pilih mana yang kamu suka.

Emoticon Yahoo :

Emoticon Kucing :

Gini nih cara membuatnya :

1. Pertama login ke blogger, trus ke "Layout (Tataletak) --> Edit HTML "
2. Beri tanda centang pada kotak "expand widget template"
3. Lalu letakkan script berikut sebelum kode

Untuk Emoticon Yahoo :